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We don't need Buildings and Programs - We have JESUS

There are so many ways of reaching those Around Us

Sharing the Life...Hope...Joy and Peace within us

Showing His Love in ways people understand!


Can we really improve on the Pattern Jesus had with His

Disciples when He sent them out - How can we apply His Way TODAY?

Making a difference to your community on the Home Scene......

The Holy Spirit is raising up Evangelism in the Community, Market Place and Media 

ie Internet. One good thing in some churches - where Christians are community minded has been Craft Groups or Cafes. But He is further reaching than that_ what's to stop you from starting a small Craft Group with the different types of Crafts that are available now? Or you could start a Cooking and Baking Group where you try different Recipes OR maybe even teach certain skills in International Cuisine? People love to be adventurous with meals these days and there is a great interest in Recipes from different countries. Whatever interests you the most that you ENJOY will be the most contagious.....usually, it will have some appeal.

Going out to the Highways and the Byways....let them know through Your Talents.

Today the Holy Spirit is raising up Prophetic and Evangelistic believers who go out among the people to speak into their hearts and bring Healings and Miracles, so they're no longer confined within church walls or limited to great Christian gatherings...... AND.....He is also raising up Life-Style Evangelism where many Christians display GIFTED works of Art and Crafts.......introducing and selling wares of CREATIVE and sometimes very anointed Items. Bring GOD into the Market Place! There are certain laws that prevent us from preaching there but we can bring Him to people in other ways they will much more readily accept.

There are certain ways we can reflect His LOVE, JOY and PEACE through Photos, Paintings, Poems and Writings.... and.... certain Craft-wares can reflect such BEAUTY or INTEREST that those who SEE THEM have to know more! Sometimes, an anointed Painting has been used to transform a person's life in some way OR draw them to SALVATION. Yes it's true_ I have heard of a few stories like that through the years!

I have two other Web-Sites you would like to see that are really nice! They are:Janet and Jesus for those who love Him....and Inspirations for You....Both these Web-Sites have lots of pleasant Poems and beautiful will ENJOY them....the Holy Spirit inspires me with Poems and Inspirational Web-Sites.If you click on the Links where the names are, it will take you to them!

I did not always have these abilities ~ We don't know what giftings are in us until we discover them or reach out and explore things.

it's all part of the venture sometimes.

You can suprise yourself ~ I pray that you will.

This Website Commenced 25th Oct 2013

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