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On this Page, you will see Title Links and Descriptions

to Posts that are good for certain times

of the Week and Year. Each of these Links will

open a separate window. See what a difference

some of these could make. Enjoy!

Celebrating Days In The Year - Reasons To Celebrate

Celebrating The Lord and Each-Other, God is Good, Rejoice Always!

Messages for a New Year

Celebrating Days In The Year - Reasons To Celebrate

Celebrating The Lord and Each-Other, God is Good, Rejoice!

God of Hope - Inner Nature

Inner Nature, God of Hope, Coming Glories, Take Heart.

Scriptures that will build you up in different translations!

Thankful Receivers and Being a Blessing

A Thankful Spirit, Receiving Gods Gifts, Sharing Blessings With Others

Winning in Life's Situations

Triumphing Over Circumstances, Having This Mindset, God Is Good!

Living with Courage and Hope

Words of Encouragement, Having Hope, Rising High

Healthy Churches and House Churches

True Ministries and Giftings, What is a Healthy Church?

Commencing Our Week

Choosing how we Live Today

Reigning in Life, Taking the Initiative, Making Choices

Building Confidence in God

Confidence in God, Prayer and Believing, Knowing God

What are You Saying?

Speaking His Words, Transforming Our Lives, Lifting Our Spirit.

Keeping the Joy in our Christian Walk

Kindness of God, Light of God, His Presence,

Conviction or Condemnation? Comforting Words.

Mental and Emotional Effects on Health

For Better Health, Mental Connection to Health Issues

Living with Courage and Hope

Words of Encouragement, Having Hope, Rising High

The effect of Negative Words on our Health

Negative words Effect our Mood, We can Speak Uplifting Words,

A Good Way to Live, Encouragements

Fruit of the Spirit – Life Applications

Life Principles, Fruit of the Spirit, The Good Shepherd

​His Faithfulness and Mercies in Every Situation

In the Storms Trust Him, Strength in Every Situation, Peace Be Still.

Quiz Qu​estion: How do these Posts relate to the start of our week?

In Early Mornings and Evenings

A Closer Walk With Jesus

Closer Walk, Follow Jesus, Presence of God, Heavenly Invitation

Thankful Receivers and Being a Blessing

A Thankful Spirit, Receiving Gods Gifts, Sharing Blessings With Others

Finding A Resting Place

Need a Hiding Place? Haven of Rest, Gods Presence, Finding Comfort in God

God of Hope - Inner Nature

Inner Nature, God of Hope, Coming Glories, Take Heart.

Scriptures that will build you up in different translations!

Building Confidence in God

Confidence in God, Prayer and Believing, Knowing God

The Importance of Words we Speak

Start the Day Rejoicing, Words of Life, Color your Life,

Impact of Words, Stresses of life Commenced

Better Communications – A Real Health Need

Relating closely as family, Meaningful friendship times,

Pace of modern living, Old fashion values

Choosing how we Live Today

Reigning in Life, Taking the Initiative, Making Choices

Quiz Question: How do these Posts relate to early in our morning

or later in our evening?

For Our Weekends

Blessings of Laughter

Blessings of Laughter, Add Some Each Day!

Keeping the Joy in our Christian Walk

Kindness of God, Light of God, His Presence,

Conviction or Condemnation? Comforting Words.

Better Communications – A Real Health Need

Relating closely as family, Meaningful friendship times,

Pace of modern living, Old fashion values

Thankful Receivers and Being a Blessing

A Thankful Spirit, Receiving Gods Gifts, Sharing Blessings With Others

Living in a Restless and Stressful Age

Stressful Age, Why are we Restless, Modern Living, The Missing Link!

Quiz Question: How do these Posts relate to our weekends?

When Commencing A Month

Our Image of God is So Important

Our Faith is Precious, Personal Image of God, Effect of Negative, Change the Tide

What are You Saying?

Speaking His Words, Transforming Our Lives, Lifting Our Spirit.

Fruit of the Spirit – Life Applications

Life Principles, Fruit of the Spirit, The Good Shepherd

A Living Unity – Let us Walk in It

Walking in Love, Precious Counsel, What Touches our Father?

The Importance of Words we Speak

Start the Day Rejoicing, Words of Life, Color your Life,

Impact of Words, Stresses of life Commenced

Living with Courage and Hope

Words of Encouragement, Having Hope, Rising High

Quiz Question: How do these Posts relate to starting a new month?

At The Start Of A New Season

Thankful Receivers and Being a Blessing

A Thankful Spirit, Receiving Gods Gifts, Sharing Blessings With Others

God of Hope - Inner Nature

Inner Nature, God of Hope, Coming Glories, Take Heart.

Scriptures that will build you up in different translations!

Building Confidence in God

Confidence in God, Prayer and Believing, Knowing God

Looking Outside Our Square

Thinking outside Ourselves, Church is often Introspective, Where Joy Is

Blessings of Laughter

Blessings of Laughter, Add Some Each Day!

Quiz Question: How do these Posts relate to starting each season?

At Birthday Time

God of Hope - Inner Nature

Inner Nature, God of Hope, Coming Glories, Take Heart.

Scriptures that will build you up in different translations!

Building Confidence in God

Confidence in God, Prayer and Believing, Knowing God

How we See ourselves is Important

Power of Choice, TV Impacts Our Brain, Needing Time Out, Nutrition and Morale

The effect of Negative Words on our Health

Negative words Effect our Mood, We can Speak Uplifting Words,

A Good Way to Live, Encouragements

Quiz Question: How do these Posts relate to our birthday time?

At End Of Year

Building Confidence in God

Confidence in God, Prayer and Believing, Knowing God

What is Your Faith Mixed With?

Essence of Faith, Principles, Hindrances,

Individual and Spontaneous, Religion

What are You Saying?

Speaking His Words, Transforming Our Lives, Lifting Our Spirit.

Keeping the Joy in our Christian Walk

Kindness of God, Light of God, His Presence,

Conviction or Condemnation? Comforting Words.

Looking Outside Our Square

Thinking outside Ourselves, Church is often Introspective, Where Joy Is

Mental and Emotional Effects on Health

For Better Health, Mental Connection to Health Issues

Living with Courage and Hope

Words of Encouragement, Having Hope, Rising High

Televangelists Causing Confusion

Reckless Televangelists, True Nature of Prophetic Christians, Keep Your Joy and Peace!

Thankful Receivers and Being a Blessing

A Thankful Spirit, Receiving Gods Gifts, Sharing Blessings With Others

Quiz Question: How do these Posts relate to the end of a year?

At New Year

A New Year - Words of Wisdom

A New Year, God Given, Fresh Outlook, Words of Wisdom.

Out with the Old - In with the New

Real Fellowship, New Testament Pattern, Jesus have Your Way!

Our Image of God is So Important

Our Faith is Precious, Personal Image of God, Effect of Negative, Change the Tide

A Closer Walk With Jesus

Closer Walk, Follow Jesus, Presence of God, Heavenly Invitation

Building Confidence in God

Confidence in God, Prayer and Believing, Knowing God

The Importance of Words we Speak

Start the Day Rejoicing, Words of Life, Color your Life,

Impact of Words, Stresses of life Commenced

Finding A Resting Place

Need a Hiding Place? Haven of Rest, Gods Presence, Finding Comfort in God

Choosing how we Live Today

Reigning in Life, Taking the Initiative, Making Choices

Better Communications – A Real Health Need

Relating closely as family, Meaningful friendship times,

Pace of modern living, Old fashion values

Where Faith Is – Where it is Not

Faith and Feelings, Spirit and Life, Sense Knowledge, Believing

Thankful Receivers and Being a Blessing

A Thankful Spirit, Receiving Gods Gifts, Sharing Blessings With Others

Quiz Question: What difference do you think these Posts

could make at the beginning of a New Year?

Every-one of these Articles are placed in different categories for a reason.

Maybe you can guess why they were and see how certain ones

could relate to you. Hey?

This is a New Page I have placed in Dec 2017

 To find other Pages arranged like this

go to my Site-Map that will prove to be helpful.

Note: The concept and format of this page is copyright to this website.

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